From Number One in Sales to Helping Introverts Win with Matthew Pollard - Freedom Nation Podcast

Episode 68

From Number One in Sales to Helping Introverts Win with Matthew Pollard

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Matthew (Matt) Pollard from Australia. Matt started out in sales and after becoming number one in his company moved on to management. After managing for a while and getting promoted 7 times, Matt started his own business. To date Matt is responsible for (5) multi-million dollar success stories. Matt has a passion and mission to help introverts succeed and has written a book, The Introvert’s Edge to help introverts with sales.

Matthew and Jeff discuss:

  1. Matt is from Melbourne originally, in high school he was super introverted.
  2. It was hard for Matt to read so for 2 years he worked very hard and burned himself out; he didn’t think about what he wanted to do long term.
  3. After High School, he took a job at a Real Estate agency doing data entry while he was looking to find himself.
  4. 3 weeks into his job he was let go due to the office shutting down.
  5. Determined not to go back home, he went to the news agency and pulled out the classified ads of the newspaper.
  6. Matt applied to all of them and got (3) interviews and (3) job offers and got hired to do business to business telecommunication door to door.
  7. Within 5 days he was sent out with product training only; not sales training. Matt made his first sale on the 93rd door.
  8. Determined to get better at sales he did a YouTube search and spent 8 hours applying what he learned the night before. 
  9. After 6 weeks, Matt learns he’s the number 1 sales person in the company.
  10. The company then asked him to be a manager and he was promoted 7 times.
  11. Now he’s just shy of a decade of owning his own business and he's been responsible for (5) multi-million dollar success stories.
  12. This one thing - “I can learn this, I'm responsible and there's a system for it” - has defined every success he's had in his life.
  13. The Introverts Edge to Networking’s key principles are to pre plan before you go and realize that the people that you network with may not be your client.
  14. Learn more about the networking group:

Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “ Look at the biggest impact I want to have. What am I truly passionate about? What mission am I on?”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Starting the wrong business.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “The Way of the Superior Man (read the first chapter only) by David Deida and The EMyth by Michael Gerber.”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Audible.”
  5. What is the best way to contact you? Type his name into google search; tons of free content on YouTube; - download the template - How to create your unified message and discover your niche. - download the first chapter of the book and/or - networking book; - get the book free just pay shipping and handling. Just launched IntrovertU.”

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Jeff Kikel

Jeff Kikel is an entrepreneur, author, and content creator. For over 10 years Jeff has built and grown businesses in the Financial Services, Publishing, and Real Estate industries. Jeff is the author of Overcoming the Retirement Trap and The Retirement Income Equation along with 10 other books.
Jeff is the host of The Freedom Nation Podcast, the Co-Host of The Cents of Things Podcast. Known as the "Stress Free Retirement Guy", Jeff has a community and TV show on Expertise.TV focused around Successful and Stressless Retirement Strategies.